I’ve noticed I tend to wear certain brands that reflect different moods or mindsets I am, or want, to be in. For me, Wildfox has always struck me as the brand I want to be wearing while I’m carefree and cozy. Sipping hot coco in bed with big socks on.  Or holding hands running down the beach. (..you get the idea.) The shape their clothes take once they hit your body are so flowy and effortlessly chic, you can’t help but to feel and look great. This being said, it lead me to naturally pair it with vintage jean shorts and flats. Wet hair – no care. The coziest beach vibes you can find in a New York City girl dancing around her apartment and blogging in bed..
American Flag sweater from Wildfox | vintage Levi shorts from L Train Vintage | Baby blue ballet flats by Norma Kamali

