Florals and fur. Fur and florals. Gimme, gimme, gimme! I’ve been trying to shoot a little bit more in my apartment- while reading these posts I want you guys to feel like you’ve just been invited into my apartment to have a cup of coffee, chat fashion and listen to some records together.. Ya dig?
Recently I’ve noticed my hair has turned into this weird golden ombre.. and I’m gonna be honest, I aint mad. I’m actually kinda diggin it. (and yes, since I’m not wearing a hat for the first time in pretty much ever did made me notice it- haha!) Am I crazy, or is it kinda cool? What do you guys think?

What I’m Wearing: Vintage blazer with sheer floral sleeves (get the look here) | Vintage fuzzy vest (get the look here) | Zara high waisted riding pants (get the look here) | All Saints black tank top (get the look here) | Vanessa Mooney ring (get the look here) | Necklace by Lenora Dame(get the look here)Lip stain by HourGlass

Going to leave you guys with one of my favorite videos of Kevin Devin. Have a great weekend! xx
