First off, hope everyone had a great new year! For me, it’s time to start off the year right and get back into my style posts! SO- I recently bought this jacket.. and it has to be, hands down, top 10 items in my closet that I would run through a blazing fire for. I’d take about what I paired it with… but I mean, who cares? Did you see this jacket?
What I’m Wearing: The best jacket in the world, duh. made by Harley Davidson | Vintage leopard dress from Beacons Closet | Claw ring from AGV | Nine West boots | Turban from a random shop in Brooklyn
Come onnnn. Lace-up leather sleeve detail? Patch work on the back? Anddd the softest leather I’ve felt in a long time? Is this heaven?

This post has made me realize that I truly do not have enough high to low dresses or skirts. I love the fact that this is a vintage dress but someone must have had it reconstructed to make it more current. Either way, modern or vintage, it’s diffidently a style I will be adding more of in my wardrobe!
Photos by the lovely Tan Camera.