Alexander Wang and Alexander McQueen have to be two of my favorite designers. Both for different reasons, but none the less, two of my favorite for sure. For this post, leaving my apartment with two layers of my favorite Alexanders was such a great feeling. My McQueen jean hooded vest is one of my prized pieces in my wardrobe- and my gray Wang cardigan is a classic go to layering piece.
What I’m Wearing: Johnny Was dress | Alexander Wang cardigan | Alexander McQueen jean vest | Nine West Vintage America booties | AGV pink beanie | Vanessa Mooney necklace | Jewel Mint and vintage rings | ICE watch

Adding a pop of a color goes a long way. I love adding this hat to add a little bit of brightness to any toned down outfit. I always then have to compliment the piece as well- so opting for this bright baby pink watch was a must.
Photographs by: Nephilim C