So, everyone who really knows me knows I am very close to my dad- we’re talkin’ total bff status here. But most do not know that he is also the reason behind my person clothing and lifestyle choices. He himself has inspired me since I was little and his old photographs continue to do so to this day. 
Take a peek at my fathers, David Sereda, collection of photographs from the 70′s and 80′s Manhattan music scene to see where my style inspiration and some of her favorite clothing items have been drawn from over the years.
After looking at these photos, It’s clear to see where my love for vintage t-shirts, flannels, leather jackets, high waisted flares, loads of silver rings/bracelets/necklaces, leather pants, good music, good drinks, good friends, and my wild blonde hair comes from.. So thank you, dad! But thank you even more importantly for being my constant- For always being there for me, and always making me smile. I love you more than words could ever say.
(photograph I took yesterday- 5.16.2012)
Happy Father’s Day.